Monday, June 25, 2012

Mozilla Student Reps of Bataan Peninsula State University

Mozilla Booth serving as Firefox Help Desk and Support Team
The Student Society on IT Education – BPSU Chapter in cooperation with Campus Student Council of the Bataan Peninsula State University – Main Campus held a Mozilla Booth at the Freshmen Day last June 15, 2012 at the Sari Gamit Covered Court. Freshmen visited the booth to learn about Mozilla Firefox and its initiatives. They were also encouraged to install and use latest Firefox as their browser in their PC and laptop to show support in this endeavor of the students of CICT. Those who registered as members of the student organization also received a Mozilla Firefox Keychain created by the Creative Team of SSITE. Mozilla Student Reps Team of BPSU is composed of energetic, dynamic and young minds named Cherlowe Reinard Ramirez as Student Reps Lead, Benjar Silvestre as Public Relation and Communication Lead, Jomar Villaruel as Creative Design Lead and Charlie Garcia as Technical Support Lead.

“Mozilla Firefox offers fast, flexible and secure browser suited to any individual and it aims build a better internet for the people” said by Cherlowe Reinard Ramirez, Chapter President during the short plenary talk on the event. He also reiterates that Firefox does not hurt the web by using open standards and it is innovative in our hands. BPSU Mozilla Student Reps plans to promote usage of Firefox in computer laboratory and in offices through Extended Support Release (ESR) with cooperation of the University President, College Dean, ICT Faculty, MIS and students.

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