Friday, December 14, 2012

Mozilla PH invades CICT Days 2012 at BPSU

Mozilla For Students live at CICT Days '12 at Sari-Gamit Covered Court, BPSU Main Campus

A team of Mozilla Student Representatives from Bataan Peninsula State University (BPSU) in cooperation with Student Society on Information Technology Education (SSITE) and BPSU College of Information and Communications Technology (CICT) – College Student Council invaded its 4th CICT Days 2012 this December 10, 2012 at Sari-Gamit Covered Court, BPSU – Main Campus, Ciy of Balanga, Bataan. The seminar was attended by the students from the CICT, as part of the celebration of the CICT Days, a project aim to promote student development in the college through series of academic and non-academic activities. 

Q&A for the participants to win awesome Mozilla Swags

Cherlowe Reinard Ramirez, a Mozilla Student Rep gave a talk about Mozilla for Students and the Mozilla Student Reps Program. Ramirez urged students to join the Mozilla Student Reps Program as part of their professional development and networking. 

CICT students who participated in the seminar conducted during the CICT Days '12

The Student Reps gave lots of Mozilla Swags for those students participating in the Q&A and for all the participants. Students were encouraged to sign up for the Mozilla Student Reps program and spread the word of Mozilla’s mission through its manifesto and the use of Firefox and other products in the university. This is in line with this year’s theme for Open Source Advocacy.   

Hoping for more awesome Mozilla events and activities for Bataan and our University. Merry Christmas and Happy Awesome New Year 2013! Help us in keeping the Web a force for good of mankind. You can make a year-end donation to Mozilla and receive an official mozilla t-shirt.

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