Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Welcome Wizards! BPSU CICT College Clash 2010

Warm Welcome from the Home of the Cyber Wizards, College of Information and Communication Technology of Bataan Peninsula State University - Main Campus.

As I enter the our university, i can see a lot of new faces and young bloods eager to know and experience the famous College Life in our campus. Just like last year, many students are roaming around the campus vicinity to find their designated rooms for first subject. Other students attended the Campus Orientation conducted in the Sari-Gamit Court in equip themselves with basic knowledge and information about the campus. After that, they found familiar faces in the campus to ask other information about the rooms and their respective instructors. I can feel their high energy eager to encounter what it feels to be in college.

As for me, it was just an ordinary but shameful morning. I came early in the campus wearing my complete uniform as i was informed. Soon I realize that only few have worn the uniform because it was the first day of class. My friend told me that uniform should be worn on thursday for old students. Immediately, i took off my uniform, fold it and put it inside my bag. Now I can feel that I do belong to this campus.

After waiting for a couple of minutes, i saw my friends finding their instructor for their first subject. I help them in finding their room and also their instructor. Suddenly I remember my mission for today to follow up my adding form to the registrar. But sadly i heard the same reason i heard when i was enrolling. I think the registrar and my college hasn't fixed this problem as of now. So i went to my first subject: English105 with Mr. Varua as our instructor. We waited in front of the Garment Production Room for Sir Nomer. Then he told us to go to sari-gamit court for some instruction and orientations. After that, i saw my old classmates and asked me if i can help them in their problem. I immediately answered their problems and assist them in doing so. It really felt good to help other people in their problems. Their pleasant thanksgiving were a blessing for me for today.

LESSON: "A Good turn daily"

By: Cherlowe Reinard T. Ramirez

Note: Sorry if my story was short because it was a very tiring day for me....

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